The Best Challenge to Help You Create The Best Journaling Habits.
If you are feeling stuck with your journaling habits, or are looking for a little inspiration, take our 30-day journaling challenge. Below you will find one topic per day for the next 30 days.
1. F...

Behind The Scenes
A Conversation With Erin Van Vuren
Have you ever had a moment where you come across words, phrases, or even a quote and it just hits you in that deep place? A quote that in ways defines you better than you could ever define yourse...

How to Journal Your Way to Spring Cleaning
Now that spring has arrived we can look forward to some beautiful weather and get ready to create the most beautiful memories in the coming months. When we think of spring we also often hear the te...

10 Best Mother's Day Gift Ideas
With Mother's Day fast approaching, it's the perfect time to start thinking of how you will show your mother some love this year. We've rounded up some unique gifts as well as ideas to treat your m...

How to Use Your Favorite Quotes for Writing Inspiration
From time to time you may be left needing a little extra inspiration to come up with writing topics and ideas. Journaling requires commitment, passion, and a love for storytelling. Even the most sk...

How to Create Your Bucket List
Most of us have a bucket list A.K.A, a list of things that you wish to accomplish in your lifetime. Goals that you wish to accomplish, places that you wish to visit, career accomplishments, life an...

The Ultimate Financial Goal Tracker
Keeping track of our finances is important regardless of our financial situation. It's important to stay on top of purchases, savings, and financial goals. Without a financial plan, we don't know o...

Create the Perfect Vacation Plans With Your Journal
Travel can change your life in so many ways. It can expose you to new cultures, help you come out of a hard time, introduce you to new people, and help you reconnect with yourself. When you travel ...

How Journaling Can Transform Behavior
For as long as I can remember, I have always journaled. When I was a pre-teen, I had one of those journals that came with a little lock. I use to write about my gripes with my parents and hide th...